Tuesday, January 15, 2019

SotF Session 001: Sigfrido de'Zolezzi

Twosday, 3rd Hand of Reaping

This journal is to be written as the start of my travels. Receiving orders to travel with a caravan with Ducean Warpriests, along with a sole Honor Brother to a location that will be disclosed by the Honor Brother upon our meeting tomorrow. Don't know what Ser Francisco was thinking, sending me along with them, when a Doomguide is far more appropriate to travel with the likes of them, since I was originally assigned to street patrol in the Capital. Either way, orders are orders, and I will do my task without fail, my Code of Honor is at stake with this assignment after all...

Threesday, 3rd Hand of Reaping

The assignment just got more... difficult. Finding out that there's a young man, with no real combat experience, will be coming along complicates things for me, never was one to handle children really. I do have the tendency of making them fear me, crying almost nonstop as I punish their evildoing parents in front of them in the slums. This boy does, however seem to have a touch of Duceus upon him, making me wonder if he's a acolyte, but he does not wear the garb of one... I'll have to find out sometime, but the plan is to head out tomorrow before dawn, to make it to the nearest village before noon, and Bvone's luck upon us that we don't cross with any problems...

Fousday, 3rd Hand of Reaping

We set out before daybreak, and as we exited the gates, news of the King's death reached our ears, the guards returning inside of the walls, letting us leave just before the start closing the gates. While there were guards that were suspicious of us leaving, they decided not to push the issue with a Adjudicator escorting it, a boon of the job I suppose, however our plan to reach the village before noon was wasted, as we decided to spend the day in prayer, since a Doomguide wasn't with us to offer 'proper' rites to the King's passing, even if we all disliked him with passion...

Fivesday, 3rd Hand of Reaping

The caravan was besieged by a horde of monsters, mostly goblins, escorted by gnolls, an easy fight to dispatch these monstrosities. However, while they were easy to slay, they seemed to be without number, and almost an hour passed, fatigue and exhaustion causing us to falter and fall in combat with them. In the chaos of the combat, one of the goblins set the front cart on fire, and the sight of the horses that were drawing the carts either fleeing, or being eaten by the monsters. We held the line, protecting the young man, but in the end it was just me and one of the Warpriests, the Honor Brother long since passed, after being surrounded by many monsters at once, being speared by the cretins from every angle. Have to say, Honor Brothers are another breed of warrior, as before he drew his last breath, he took the spears that impaled him, and returned them to their owners, despite how far they ran. We told the boy to run opposite of where the monsters were coming from, but he returned moments later with man and a woman, the man who demonstrated an aptitude for the blade, and the woman proved to be a Mercy, though not in the garb I'm used to seeing on them...

The monsters are finally routed, their three Worgs slain, the cowardly goblins fled at the sight of what was driving them to push onward now dead at our feet. I found out that there was one more of their companions, and they were announced as two brothers, Giovanni, and Calisto, with the Mercy being Vissia. With her tender touch, she managed to save three more of the Warpriests, what's more is that Giovanni was tending to all three of their horses, which the party was willing to loan their mounts to carry the last usable cart to the village. However, Giovanni gave me a coin, which gave me a suggestion in my mind, a single name. Varo...

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SotF Session 004: Sigfrido de'Zolezzi

Threesday, 4th Hand of Reaping Something astonishing happened, originally i left the inn to go back to the lair to collect the ears of ...