Twosday, 4th Hand of Reaping
We had received orders from the Wardkeeper, to find the cause of the monster horde movements, seeing as they are moving in a semi-coordinated fashion. Our hints pointed us to two villages that are within their hunting path, and our first stop held word of goblins raiding farming fields. The village elder pointed out a hideout for them, and when we arrived to the burrow, not only did it seem like it was actually a mine, not a burrow, there were two horses tethered to trees off to the sides of the cave. We waited, and watched two pairs of goblins open the door of the ‘den’, for lack of a better word, though the entrance seems to be that of a mine. Following the goblins, i see a gnoll, larger than any i’ve seen before, alongside a slime…? No, it’s just a very fat goblin, yet even uglier than a normal one. What really caught my attention, was that two men, human men, were exiting with them. Fearing that they were being held against their will, i rushed the goblins at the front, striking them down swiftly, and i can finally see that one of the men was Earl Kuruli. THE MONSTERS MUST BE PURGED! However, once the goblins were dealt with, Vissia steps between me and the gnoll, saying how if I wanted to go after the Earl, I must go through her! The gnoll wasted no time or effort, and struck her down, i moved to defend her, but the gnoll struck at me as well, the entire time the Earl was telling the beast to stand down, his escort translating gnollish to it. Finally though, the monster stood at attention, but not battle ready. I knew the blow i suffered would keep me from fighting too much for the time being, but as Calisto brought me to the horses, i managed to work up the divine will to heal myself, even as excruciating as it was to do so. Returning to the den, I see that Vissia is now back up, and is still saying the same thing, even to the Earl’s surprise, but it seems his order to calm down seems to work as she slowly returns to normal, though still seemingly under some influence. After exchanging information, why the Earl was here to begin with, to the orders i received from Wardkeeper Tien, we humans set out to the Earl’s campsite to rest, and give further information to each other.
Threesday, 4th Hand of Reaping
We have our orders from the Earl. Slay the fat goblin named Splig, and the Gnoll Varlair for their lies against the Earl in their negotiations. We devised a plan to take them by surprise, since Alwyn was coming with us, and his relationships with the gnoll, we would strike from within. Easily accepted inside of the den, and even to the core of their lair, the fight was short and swiftly carried out. The gnoll and the guards it had were dispatched, and even Splig was halted from running away. The cry out of “Vissia has healed the gnoll!”, however stole my attention, and I fled back to them forgetting to properly deal with the abomination of a goblin. I rushed to Vissia’s side, trying to state that she shouldn’t waste her divine powers on a monstrosity, but before i could continue, she grabs my arm, and everything goes black. What was an instant for me, but seems to be a minute later, I reawaken with a surge of life again. Pick one dammit, kill me, or heal me, I know I’ve the animosity of the Noyjan church, but you’d think there’s a limit. Vissia had the gnoll under some kind of influence, gently coercing answers from the gnoll. I swear she’d be the ‘nicest’ adjudicator if she can pull powers like that. We got some answers, the Earl’s daughter was the one to organize the raid on the caravan I was escorting, not the Earl, Varlair, or Splig. In addition to what the real business was between the monsters and the Earl. A door, in the mine was locked and would not open, and the Earl was urgently after what was inside. Alwyn and I returned to try to question Splig, but in the chaos of the moment, it had escaped, and after tracking where it went, it’s tracks suddenly disappeared. Curious…. Exhausted, Vissia passed out after her spell wore off, and with Splig missing, I decided to return to the village to see if I could requisition some hunting hounds to track Splig, leaving Giovanni and Calisto at the lair. We were, however, disappointed to find out that there was nothing in the village for us to use, and with no way to track it, we called for lunch. We were joined later by the brothers, who said they couldn’t make out what to do with the locked doorway, but that the door was actually a tomb, one for a long-dead magi, which ultimately we decided to leave alone, and that we’d set out for the next village tomorrow. We were interrupted in our planning when a Envoy called out to a slave, over a meal that he didn’t order. He proceeded to attack the slave until she died at his hands… I should have just stepped in and arrested him for disturbing the peace of a public domain and out of spite for his Order, but since it was involving a slave, I chose to leave it be.
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