Tuesday, January 29, 2019

SotF Session 003: Giovanni se'Accardi

Foursday, 4th Hand of Reaping, AN263

The battle was short, but brutal, after throwing a single sling bullet, I was immediately pelted with an arrow, which sheared through my left side and left a gaping hole. Using my robes to slow the bleeding, I laid low for the rest of the combat, not wanting to exhaust precious spells. Before long the rest of the group had mopped up the rest of the goblins, and Vissia took care of my wounds. Then, before we could proceed further, we heard footsteps, so we took positions to deal with the next wave. I saw a huge gnoll, the fattest, stinkiest, goblin ever, along with another, I let loose a color spray hoping to knock them out, only the spell only blinded the fat one, looks like I had a long way to go to master the spell's strength.

Right after that the strangest thing happened, Vissia planted herself in front of the gnoll screaming “If you wish to harm the Earl, you will have to go through me first!” and then the gnoll clocked her on the head sending her to the ground like a rag doll. It was not a pretty sight. Not too much longer then earl (insert name) showed himself, and put a stop to our battle. After healing Vissia and putting forth the truce, eventually the Earl's subordinate came out to talk to us, and then eventually the earl himself. Explaining he was negotiating with the goblins, he invited us back to his camp, where we explained to him what had happened recently with the kingdom, extremely distraught by all the news, he bade us kill the goblins as they had not acted in good faith, and that he had to immediately return to the capital.

Fivesday, 4th Hand of Reaping, AN263

The next day, with a new task set before us, I couldn't help shake the feeling something was wrong about this whole encounter. We still couldn't explain what had made Visia defend the earl like a zealot, and she even let the Earl bed her that night, even I had this immense feeling that the Earl should have been the next king, but I've never thought like that before. It all just didn't make much sense, but we had no choice but to accept it.

After accepting the Earl's subordinate to help us, we headed back for the Goblins camp, Callisto was lagging behind so I moved further behind to figure out what he was up to only to find out he had a communication device with the Wardkeeper. We explained what we had found out, and the Wardkeeper told us to be wary as we dispatched the goblins.

We decided an ambush was our best bet, so we entered the goblins hovel pretending we were going to be paying them, and then right when they were close together, we sprung our trap! Using my color spray I subdued several goblins, and the fight with the gnoll was on. He nearly cleaved Vissia apart, but after a couple of my magic missiles, and several other attacks from the others, he went down. Everyone else rushed to defeat the rest of the goblins, but Visia walked up to the unconscious Gnoll, and healed him! It was unbelievable! I called out to the others, and Siegfried rushed back in, knocking Vissia into the water of the goblins den, she then proceeded to touch him and Siegfried visibly shriveled up and fell in a heap. She then started making a weird face and stroking the gnolls snout as it woke up.

The rest of the group arrived as Vissia told us she had entranced it, and we began questioning the gnoll. We learned a few things, the most interesting that the Earl's daughter had set up the attack on our caravan, and that there was plans for the Earl to take the throne, not the rightful heir. Soon after, we learned the goblins leader had escaped. It was a lot to take in, and now, we had to try to put the pieces together.

SotF Session 003: Sigfrido de'Zolezzi

Twosday, 4th Hand of Reaping

We had received orders from the Wardkeeper, to find the cause of the monster horde movements, seeing as they are moving in a semi-coordinated fashion. Our hints pointed us to two villages that are within their hunting path, and our first stop held word of goblins raiding farming fields. The village elder pointed out a hideout for them, and when we arrived to the burrow, not only did it seem like it was actually a mine, not a burrow, there were two horses tethered to trees off to the sides of the cave. We waited, and watched two pairs of goblins open the door of the ‘den’, for lack of a better word, though the entrance seems to be that of a mine. Following the goblins, i see a gnoll, larger than any i’ve seen before, alongside a slime…? No, it’s just a very fat goblin, yet even uglier than a normal one. What really caught my attention, was that two men, human men, were exiting with them. Fearing that they were being held against their will, i rushed the goblins at the front, striking them down swiftly, and i can finally see that one of the men was Earl Kuruli. THE MONSTERS MUST BE PURGED! However, once the goblins were dealt with, Vissia steps between me and the gnoll, saying how if I wanted to go after the Earl, I must go through her! The gnoll wasted no time or effort, and struck her down, i moved to defend her, but the gnoll struck at me as well, the entire time the Earl was telling the beast to stand down, his escort translating gnollish to it. Finally though, the monster stood at attention, but not battle ready. I knew the blow i suffered would keep me from fighting too much for the time being, but as Calisto brought me to the horses, i managed to work up the divine will to heal myself, even as excruciating as it was to do so. Returning to the den, I see that Vissia is now back up, and is still saying the same thing, even to the Earl’s surprise, but it seems his order to calm down seems to work as she slowly returns to normal, though still seemingly under some influence. After exchanging information, why the Earl was here to begin with, to the orders i received from Wardkeeper Tien, we humans set out to the Earl’s campsite to rest, and give further information to each other. 

Threesday, 4th Hand of Reaping

We have our orders from the Earl. Slay the fat goblin named Splig, and the Gnoll Varlair for their lies against the Earl in their negotiations. We devised a plan to take them by surprise, since Alwyn was coming with us, and his relationships with the gnoll, we would strike from within. Easily accepted inside of the den, and even to the core of their lair, the fight was short and swiftly carried out. The gnoll and the guards it had were dispatched, and even Splig was halted from running away. The cry out of “Vissia has healed the gnoll!”, however stole my attention, and I fled back to them forgetting to properly deal with the abomination of a goblin. I rushed to Vissia’s side, trying to state that she shouldn’t waste her divine powers on a monstrosity, but before i could continue, she grabs my arm, and everything goes black. What was an instant for me, but seems to be a minute later, I reawaken with a surge of life again. Pick one dammit, kill me, or heal me, I know I’ve the animosity of the Noyjan church, but you’d think there’s a limit. Vissia had the gnoll under some kind of influence, gently coercing answers from the gnoll. I swear she’d be the ‘nicest’ adjudicator if she can pull powers like that. We got some answers, the Earl’s daughter was the one to organize the raid on the caravan I was escorting, not the Earl, Varlair, or Splig. In addition to what the real business was between the monsters and the Earl. A door, in the mine was locked and would not open, and the Earl was urgently after what was inside. Alwyn and I returned to try to question Splig, but in the chaos of the moment, it had escaped, and after tracking where it went, it’s tracks suddenly disappeared. Curious…. Exhausted, Vissia passed out after her spell wore off, and with Splig missing, I decided to return to the village to see if I could requisition some hunting hounds to track Splig, leaving Giovanni and Calisto at the lair. We were, however, disappointed to find out that there was nothing in the village for us to use, and with no way to track it, we called for lunch. We were joined later by the brothers, who said they couldn’t make out what to do with the locked doorway, but that the door was actually a tomb,  one for a long-dead magi, which ultimately we decided to leave alone, and that we’d set out for the next village tomorrow. We were interrupted in our planning when a Envoy called out to a slave, over a meal that he didn’t order. He proceeded to attack the slave until she died at his hands… I should have just stepped in and arrested him for disturbing the peace of a public domain and out of spite for his Order, but since it was involving a slave, I chose to leave it be.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

SotF Session 002: Giovanni se'Accardi

Twosday, 4th Hand of Reaping, AN263

Seems things are more complicated then I had originally anticipated. After the battle with the goblins, we came to the camp of the Ducean faith, with what was left of the caravan in tow. Of course, since we never even learned our employers name, there was no way for us to get paid. Settling into this fact, we decided to look into possibly buying some meager supplies to get us through until we figured out what to do next. Only, on the way there, we were summoned by some lady, still wondering what was going on, we headed over to a rather large tent in the compound.

What we learned was a rather shocking revelation, The mythical Wardkeeper, a secret position from Trant that maintains the wards that only allow one of royal blood to sit upon the throne, Who called herself Tianna di'Arashay, the Twinborn witch to the one who employed us back home, explained to us the young man we had protected, Tyrus, was actually an heir to the throne, and the only surviving member. Special magic had been cast upon him to conceal his legitimacy, until now. To top this off, the Siyja'an Adjudicator who had been traveling with us learned his half sister was the offspring of the last king of Trant. The Wardkeeper had a plan to keep them safe while we gathered information about who was trying to kill them, we were now integral pieces to protecting Trant's future. It was, overwhelming to say the least. Not to mention it seems that the Wardkeeper was keenly aware of the Archmage of the Arcanyx's wrongdoings and what I had found out, it was like someone was peering into my mind, it was as horrifying as it was fascinating. There was no time to discuss academics with Lady Tianna however. She paid and us and gave us a requisition order and instructed us to look into the goblins to the north and south. We spent a long time after that preparing for our journey.

The next day, we woke up early in our tent to the sound of panic. Callisto went to investigate early, I still had to do my early morning memorization, the life of a wizard is fraught with the simple pleasures of reading magic notation, Zysohr be praised for that. Shortly thereafter we found out that our charges were missing, while this was supposed to be the safest place for them in all of Trant at the moment. Instead of adding another couple bodies to an endeavor we hoped would be solved shortly, we set off on our journey, to find information on who could know, and want the heir's to the throne dead. Vissia, Callisto, the Adjudicator, I think he mentioned his name was Siegfrido and I all came for this expedition. After only a day of travel made it to a town, they said it was Ravesoria, but no sooner did we arrive then my brother made a fool of himself by trying to slyly dismount to impress a local lady, only to fall on his ass. Then, trying to make up for it, he swept the girl off her feet trying to show her some fancy dance moves, only to knock her on her ass. This is reason we can't have nice things. Thoroughly humiliated, he profusely apologized and asked about goblins, the lady still bewildered told us to speak to the village chief, not too much later, we spoke to him and he directed us to where some goblins could of possibly been.

So we set out to find these goblins, and maybe hopefully learn something. Only to Four goblins and two horses were in front of what looked to be an old mine. We wondered if the goblins had taken prisoners, and the horses were merely food, but it was strange that the horses would still even be alive then. We decided to take the fight to the goblins once Callisto was found trying to get a better look.

SotF Session 002: Sigfrido de'Lezzio

Onesday, 4th Hand of Reaping

We finally made it, and with the season in favor of Duceus, the village was crowded with tents and pavilions colored in His fashion, with some colored to the other God's scattered around the perimeter of the majority red and orange. The discussion with Varo, Highlord of Battles was very short, and very brief, a fitting style for a man of his monstrous size. After saying farewells, and quips of jest made to each other, I followed the guidance of the coin, which for Varo told him that I must go to the sole tent of Tomes, and found a non-leashed Witch inside. Tempted to uphold the law, and subjugate, or slay the witch was on the forefront of my mind, but she used her vile magic to stop me. Weirdly enough, she gave the four of us a requisition order, five Silver Pieces worth of equipment for our travels, and my new 'orders'...

Twosday, 4th Hand of Reaping

Just yesterday, I find out that my own mother was a Witch, who previously held the position of this Witch as Wardkeeper of the Throne, on top of the news that the boy we escorted being the last remaining son of the recently deceased King. TO TOP IT OFF, I FIND OUT THAT I WAS THE BASTARD SON OF THE KING BEFORE, CAST OUT WITH MY MOTHER BEFORE I WAS EVEN BORN, AND WHAT'S MORE, I EVEN HAVE A HALF SISTER! She gave me a bad feeling, a chill down my spine, but I had dismissed it then, but I have a strong feeling now. The boy, Tyrus, is missing, and the Witch, Tien, is talking Varo down as though he's a dog being whipped, and what's more, my sister is also missing with him! Conspiracies flood my mind, and various problems arise, with Tien mentioning her feeling her twin now passed, suddenly slain from unknown means. This Wardkeeper MUST be kept safe, for if she dies, the throne can be claimed by ANYONE, even the ones who are responsible for this whole mess! I swear to Syjan now, I WILL protect the throne for the proper heir, even if the Order is my own enemy. I will take up the role of Templar, Lawgiver of the God's Laws if I have too! With my Oath of Honesty, I may have problems, which my mouth may get me in trouble, but with these two brothers, they will be the falsity of my voice.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

SotF Session 001: Giovanni se'Accardi

Foursday, 3rd Hand of Reaping, AN263

My brother wasn't interested in hearing about my graduation at all, at least he confirmed that he had put the “Large bound report” with my notes at home. He was more interested in the women in the inn. But then, the most troubling news came by, the King was dead! Slain, and all his kin! The revelations made even my own recent trials seem small. It was almost surreal, I could hardly think. I sat there drinking my tea, wondering about the future late into the night. It was just the two of us left in the common room, still reeling, when a strange woman came in, of course my brother seemed interested in her. He even said he saw a flash of red hair, the signs of a witch! A priest came to her and they talked of a boy and some mission. Very strange. We went to bed that night wondering about it.

Fivesday, 3rd Hand of Reaping, AN263

In the morning, she was still there, and Callisto had the audacity to just walk up to her and talk to her about what he heard! We still hadn't figured out what to do with the city being closed, we didn't even know if the family was still alive, and if we were on the list to get rid of or not. I came up and the woman instantly knew who I was, I don't know if Callisto just stupidly told her who we were, or what, she quickly asked me a pointed question about the school of magic I studied, and seemed knowledgeable of my response, which blew me away, as very few even knew the schools of magic, let alone the names of the types of mages. It seems she really was a witch, which was confirmed when I tried to break the illusion which is her red hair, which she showed me somehow, without any kind of incantation. It was baffling, and her beauty was simply unreal. Callisto was going for the throat as usual and trying to charm her. She offered us a job, something about escorting some priests for a pittance, and Callisto agreed instantly. So now I find myself working for a witch, with the king dead. The day just couldn't get any weirder. But it did. The witch said we would meet someone at a farmhouse, and lo and behold, my horse kicked me off of it once we arrived and a priestess of Noyja appeared and healed me. Then, off we went, as if it was meant to be. Zysohr grant me knowledge because I would like to know how the witch knew all this.

How did it end up this way? I'm in the middle of the woods with three horses, with the sounds of worgs all around, barely able to keep the horses steady, while Callisto and Vissia, the priestess of Noyja, left with a boy who we assumed was the boy the witch told us about to help the caravan we were supposed to join against a bunch of goblins. I feel so useless, if only I was strong. I tethered the horses and I'm going to take a look at what's going on, I have an idea, this forest might be the perfect place for my illusions to protect us, oh I pray to Zysohr stupid goblins don't have knowledge of illusions.

SotF Session 001: Sigfrido de'Zolezzi

Twosday, 3rd Hand of Reaping

This journal is to be written as the start of my travels. Receiving orders to travel with a caravan with Ducean Warpriests, along with a sole Honor Brother to a location that will be disclosed by the Honor Brother upon our meeting tomorrow. Don't know what Ser Francisco was thinking, sending me along with them, when a Doomguide is far more appropriate to travel with the likes of them, since I was originally assigned to street patrol in the Capital. Either way, orders are orders, and I will do my task without fail, my Code of Honor is at stake with this assignment after all...

Threesday, 3rd Hand of Reaping

The assignment just got more... difficult. Finding out that there's a young man, with no real combat experience, will be coming along complicates things for me, never was one to handle children really. I do have the tendency of making them fear me, crying almost nonstop as I punish their evildoing parents in front of them in the slums. This boy does, however seem to have a touch of Duceus upon him, making me wonder if he's a acolyte, but he does not wear the garb of one... I'll have to find out sometime, but the plan is to head out tomorrow before dawn, to make it to the nearest village before noon, and Bvone's luck upon us that we don't cross with any problems...

Fousday, 3rd Hand of Reaping

We set out before daybreak, and as we exited the gates, news of the King's death reached our ears, the guards returning inside of the walls, letting us leave just before the start closing the gates. While there were guards that were suspicious of us leaving, they decided not to push the issue with a Adjudicator escorting it, a boon of the job I suppose, however our plan to reach the village before noon was wasted, as we decided to spend the day in prayer, since a Doomguide wasn't with us to offer 'proper' rites to the King's passing, even if we all disliked him with passion...

Fivesday, 3rd Hand of Reaping

The caravan was besieged by a horde of monsters, mostly goblins, escorted by gnolls, an easy fight to dispatch these monstrosities. However, while they were easy to slay, they seemed to be without number, and almost an hour passed, fatigue and exhaustion causing us to falter and fall in combat with them. In the chaos of the combat, one of the goblins set the front cart on fire, and the sight of the horses that were drawing the carts either fleeing, or being eaten by the monsters. We held the line, protecting the young man, but in the end it was just me and one of the Warpriests, the Honor Brother long since passed, after being surrounded by many monsters at once, being speared by the cretins from every angle. Have to say, Honor Brothers are another breed of warrior, as before he drew his last breath, he took the spears that impaled him, and returned them to their owners, despite how far they ran. We told the boy to run opposite of where the monsters were coming from, but he returned moments later with man and a woman, the man who demonstrated an aptitude for the blade, and the woman proved to be a Mercy, though not in the garb I'm used to seeing on them...

The monsters are finally routed, their three Worgs slain, the cowardly goblins fled at the sight of what was driving them to push onward now dead at our feet. I found out that there was one more of their companions, and they were announced as two brothers, Giovanni, and Calisto, with the Mercy being Vissia. With her tender touch, she managed to save three more of the Warpriests, what's more is that Giovanni was tending to all three of their horses, which the party was willing to loan their mounts to carry the last usable cart to the village. However, Giovanni gave me a coin, which gave me a suggestion in my mind, a single name. Varo...

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

SotF Session 000: Giovanni se'Accardi

The Giovanni Papers
Translated by Cyn Starstorm


After digging through a sealed chamber deep within the vault of the Arcanyx, a set of controversial papers were released. They detail the early life of one Giovanni se'Accardi, just another transmutation mage among the noble class back in the AN250's. However, using the writing style and notes I was able to link these with a set of notes and a journal which I had acquired in my travels. Between the notes which detailed Giovanni's specific magic notation I was able to translate both the notes and the journal, and the revelations they make on history are astounding. I spent many cycles translating, consolidating, and matching the information into this document, which shows the exploits of Giovanni, his brother Callisto, and his companions on and after the Day of the King's death in AN263. Nearly all records in this time period have been stricken from history, due to either being destroyed or inaccurate with other precious few historical texts in the Era. What follows may be the most important revelation in cycles. I present, the Accardi Brave Story.

Early Life

Why does everyone look at me with hate in their eyes? Nothing I do ever seems to be enough for Mother and Father. All my instructors except for my writing and math instructors seem to tire of my excuses that I can't keep up. Everyone always compares me to my older brother Mario. He can do no wrong, he is perfect, and I just can't compare. He is smart like me, but on top of that, he is skilled and strong, and has the proper makings of a successor of our noble house. It seems like everyone has given up on me and just focused on him. They just go through the motions for me. I can't even imagine what my little brother Callisto goes through. I hardly even see him with the instructors, he spends most of his time looking for the next way to sneak out of the estate, even though he is only 8 cycles! At least he tells me when he's going to do something stupid so I can come with him to bail him out. I always have to point out the obvious problems with his schemes. Then, half the time he does it anyway, expecting me to help him out of his mess! Today he wants to sneak into the armory and play with the weapons. Guess I'll just have to come with him to make sure he doesn't kill himself.

They are sending me to the Arcanyx! It's my big break! My chance to show them I'm not Mario's shadow and I'm not Callisto's butler. Getting those lectures from the graduated mage and finding out I had an aptitude was the best thing that ever happened too me. I hope I can learn the magic to keep up with both of my brothers. Then I can finally claim my proper place in history!


It's my first day at the Academy and I'm ready to learn! They introduced us to our instructors as well as the Archmage of the Arcanyx, Stefano en'Ricci. Everyone just refers to him as Archmage, or The Archmage. He seemed friendly enough when we first met, shook my hand and told me he was looking forward to seeing all of us rise as new colleagues. But something was off, it took me a moment, but I noticed exactly what it was. It was the same kind of body language as my parents and Mario. He saw us as no more then pawns, tools for his own empowerment. For some reason, my optimistic attitude has suddenly burst into flames.

The Sages of the Arcanyx have requested all students to write a journal of their studies, as well as any breakthroughs found, I have always been meticulous with my notes, one simple mistake can be the difference between life and death when it comes to magic after all. However, I am certain its all just so they can steal any original magic created by the students and to control anyone truly brilliant. The tricks on them however, I found a loose stone in my dorm room which contained a small space to leave my true notes, and I have been keeping out my own personal experiments in the notes I've been turning in. My instructors may have passion, but its obvious they lack the bravery for any true research into the arcane. One day once I can channel enough of the arcane, I will find a way to alter myself permanently. I will become what I want to be. Zysohr has given me the means to do all I desire. All I need is the knowledge to do it.

I have decided to dedicate myself to the school of Alteration, it appears to be a popular school, to alter the world around you and change its very being. I'm sure most of these mages are full of simpler thoughts, like the idea of the philosopher's stone, as a way to glory and riches. What these fools don't realize, is they are looking too small, why change things, when you can change yourself? Imagine having the power of an ogre, or the wings of a hawk, the possibilities are limitless!

The Archmage of the Arcanyx appears to have taken an interest in me, and not the good kind. I made my first slip ever in regards to my notes, and I accidentally included a reference to my personal notes which I had specifically omitted, and I couldn't come up with a proper excuse, so they know I'm hiding something. What's worse is that the Archmage himself is who found the discrepancy. I better be even more careful, if they find out my ultimate goal, they may expel me for forbidden experiments and “Perversion of the arcane” as they so like to put it to everyone they strip of their title and send packing.

Its been a few months since my mistake, and things seem to have calmed down, I have had to be careful, but I think the excuse I made and the “missing” paper I turned in assuaged them. Unfortunately this paper I had to write I am sure raised some eyebrows. The concept of poly-morphing isn't anything new, but a paper on its applications it could be used to alter ones self I'm sure is strange. I'll have to be even more vigilant. The Archmage has asked some pointed questions several times which have been hard to get around, I'm worried he has been probing for a reason to expel me, he always has that condescending look my brother had.

I can't believe what I just did, it seems some of Callisto's mischief making has rubbed off onto me. I was studying late tonight in the library preparing for my final exam when I noticed the Archmage leaving the vaults, I glanced and noticed that he had left the door open. Against my better judgment I decided to take a peak, what knowledge could I find, I thought. I entered and found a set of notes on a table, taking a glance I learned it was report which detailed all the students which had been expelled, and to my horror, I found out the majority of them that were expelled for “perversion of the arcane” listed the real reason, most often bribes or a set up to get rid of anyone deemed dangerous by the administration. If the right hands got a hold of this, the implications on the kingdom could be momentous.

Just then I heard footsteps, someone was coming! Thinking quickly I cast Phantasmal Force, concealing myself. Hopefully whoever It was didn't have true seeing or the like. The Archmage himself came down, and as I slowly crept back up the stairs, he was muttering to himself about how he couldn't believe he left the vault open. I managed to make it back to my room with the report. I couldn't believe he didn't hear me. That's the softest I've ever chanted before. Thinking quickly I sent it into yet another of my “letters” to Callisto. I had been sending a copy of my notes to him for quite some time now, just in case I couldn't get them out of the Arcanyx. Thankfully the bleary eyed messenger didn't check the message after I gave him a good bribe. We had become good business partners in my long time at the academy.

I just made a deal with the devil. It still shakes me up even now. They locked down the Arcanyx looking for the missing report I took, and they found my notes. When confronted by the Archmage I couldn't believe my bravery when I told him I had the real report he was looking for, and if he didn't want it revealed, he was going to let me graduate, and never reveal my experiments and notes. He went on and on about how he had all the cards, and he could have me killed if he wanted, and that he should have me publicly executed for stealing valuable research from the Arcanyx, but I could tell he was in a panic. I actually held all the cards, not him. Eventually he agreed to let me graduate if I would return the original documents right when I returned home. I agreed, it seemed to be the only way out. I graduated today, and am now on my way to meet my brother an the inn south of the city. I have a sinking feeling in my stomach.

SotF Session 004: Sigfrido de'Zolezzi

Threesday, 4th Hand of Reaping Something astonishing happened, originally i left the inn to go back to the lair to collect the ears of ...